Kick-Off meeting

The ERASMO (Enhanced Receiver for Autonomous Mobility) project funded by EUSPA (European Union Agency for the Space Programme) was officially launched in June 2021. ERASMO is aimed at developing an on-board positioning device enabling fully autonomous driving. The project is being carried out by a consortium comprising of Renault, Idneo, GMV-ITS, GMV-AD, VVA, Septentrio and CNRS-UTC. ERASMO is a multi-phased project is planned to be completed in May 2023 and will involve development and optimization of an OBU that utilizes Galileo and other sensors to provide the information required by the high integrity navigation and the SW management modules. More details and progress of the ERASMO project will be shared as the development work advances. The section TEAM contains more information on the members of the consortium.

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